Join QuickBooks training in Kollam and gain expertise in managing business finances efficiently.
Duration : 1 Month
Qualification: Plus Two
Certification: Badge Certification
Ready to become Quickbooks professional? Join us TODAY!
This QuickBooks course equips you with essential accounting skills, from managing transactions to generating financial reports. Gain practical expertise in bookkeeping, payroll, and tax filing with QuickBooks.
QuickBooks is a widely used accounting software that simplifies financial management for businesses of all sizes. This course provides in-depth training on bookkeeping, invoicing, expense tracking, bank reconciliation, payroll processing, and tax preparation using QuickBooks. You will gain hands-on experience with both QuickBooks Online and Desktop versions, enabling you to efficiently manage business finances, generate insightful reports, and stay tax compliant. By the end of the course, you’ll be proficient in automating accounting tasks and making data-driven financial decisions.
QB Basic Module I
Introduction to QuickBooks I Types of QB I Login into QB I Company Creation I
Give an Online ID and Password to Students
Assignment : Create New Company
Company Settings and Tax System Process in QB
Company Preference Settings I VAT Setup in QB I Chart of Accounts in QB
Customer Details in QB
Customer Creation I Customer Alteration I Customer Deletion I Customer Imports I Customer Reports
Supplier Details in QB
Supplier Creation I Supplier Alteration I Supplier Deletion I Supplier Imports I Supplier Reports
Bills in QB
Bills Posting I Bills Editing I Bill’s Delete and Cancel I Tax Details in Bills
Invoices in QB
Invoice Posting I Invoice Editing I Invoice Delete and Cancel I Tax Details in Invoices
Journal Transactions in QB
Journal Transactions Posting I Journal Transactions Editing I Duplicate Transaction I Journal Deletion I Journal Cancel I Journal Reports
Expenses and Estimates in QB
Expenses Tracking I Estimate Process
Reports in QB
Faculty Project I Final Practice
Final Project
Introduction to QuickBooks
Types of QB, Login, Company Creation I Navigation, Toolbar Customization I Company and Tax Settings I
Chart of Accounts in QB
Chart of Accounts Overview I Trial Balance Report I Item Creation, Edit, Opening Balance Equity
Fixed Asset Creation I Fixed Asset Depreciation I Accrued Depreciation
Customers in QB
Customer Management (Create, Edit, Import, Inactivate) I Recurring Templates, Statements
Suppliers in QB
Supplier Management (Create, Edit, Import, Inactivate) I Batch Actions
Bills and Invoice Creation in QB
Purchase Bills I Sales Invoices I VAT Treatments
Import and Export Process in QB
RCM Process I Import and Export Processes
Journal and Expense Transactions in QB
Journal and Expense Transactions
PO Process in QB
Detailed PO Process
Estimate Process in QB
Detailed Estimate Process
AR and AP in QB
AR Process I AP Processes
Transfer and Deposit Methods in QB
Bank Deposits I Fund Transfers
Credit Note Transactions in QB
Detailed Credit Note Transactions
Debit Note Transactions in QB
Detailed Debit Note Transactions
Credit Card Transactions in QB
CC Expenses I CC Journals I CC Bill Payments
Project Transactions in QB
Project Creation, Invoices, Reports I Project Transactions in Different Business Natures
Multi-Currency Transactions in QB
Multi-Currency Management I Multi-Currency Bills and Invoices
Adjusting Inventory in QB
Inventory Adjustments I Inventory Allocation
Payroll Transactions in QB
Payroll Setup Processing I Tax Reporting
Budgeting in QB
Budget Creation, Monitoring I Budget Forecasting
Sales Receipt and Refund Receipt in QB
Sales Receipts I Refund Receipts
Delayed Credit and Delayed Charges in QB
Delayed Credit and Charges
Bank Reconciliation
Paydown Credit Card Transactions
Paydown Credit Card Processes
VAT 201 in QB
VAT 201 Bills and Invoices I VAT 201 Details, Tax Setup
Invoice Settings in QB
Invoice Customization
Reports in QB
Financial Reports I Customization
Asset Schedule & Task Assignment
Asset Schedule I Workflows
Security Setup in QB
User Management I Security
Automatic Backup and Restore
Backup and Restore
Final Project Assignment